Tips to Increase Your VA Disability Rating and Benefits

Understanding how the VA disability rating works is one of the most critical aspects of increasing it. It can stem from aggravated conditions, having low initial ratings, or overall, a mistake in your evaluation.

For circumstances like this, you can file for an increase in VA disability rating. However, there is still the matter of what type of evidence to present and how to get a VA disability increase as seamlessly as possible.

For expert coaching and education on the VA claims process, consider utilizing the VA claims consulting services provided by the Veterans Choice DBES service. Our VA disability claims consultant offers disability benefits education service and a VA disability calculator to help you navigate through the complexity of the VA process.

Understanding VA Disability Ratings

The VA determines disability ratings according to the severity of a service-connected condition, with ratings varying from 0% (indicating no disability) to 100% (representing total disability). These ratings will set your monthly compensation and provide additional benefits. You can use this information on how to increase your VA disability rating.

Factors that will affect your VA disability rating include:

Medical Evidence

The success of your VA disability rate increase can be attributed to the medical evidence you supplied.

The VA determines their rating based on the medical documentation you’ve submitted. This will include the VA examinations and private medical records. You can also supply buddy statements and nexus letters to improve the quality of your VA claim.

Combined Ratings

Having multiple disabilities will require the use of VA math; it is an exclusive formula utilized by the VA to determine the appropriate rating for veterans that have multiple service-related conditions.

Changes Over Time, or Aggravated Conditions

There are injuries that may appear less severe but may worsen or aggravate over time. This can help you justify a higher VA rating at the initial examination or warrant an increase in VA disability pay.

Unemployability Considerations

There are conditions that may hinder a veteran from sustaining a career or finding one. These conditions may vary and may qualify you for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU).

Preparing for a Successful Rating Increase Request

There are times that the VA may not have provided an accurate calculation in your condition. If you believe your VA disability rating does not accurately reflect your condition, there is no harm in filing for an increase. What you need, however, is proper preparation to increase your chance of success.

You will have to consider if you have sufficient pieces of evidence, lay and buddy statements, and nexus letters to increase your chances of approval.

Navigating the Increase Request Process

Check the Easiest VA Disability Claims to Get Approved

There are conditions that present less of a challenge when it comes to filing for VA claims, giving you an easier advantage of getting a VA rating. Some of the easiest VA disability claims to get approved are as follows:

  • Tinnitus
  • PTSD
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Skin Conditions
  • Chronic Back Pain

You can improve or increase your VA disability claims process by understanding these and adding them to your present condition.

Gather Strong Medical Evidence

Increasing VA disability rating requires updated medical records, including doctor’s statements that support your claims as well as their diagnosis.

Secure the records of your recent treatments and document any changes in your condition.

Get an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO)

There are times when a private physician’s evaluation can help strengthen your case. It is advisable to get your VA rating for an affiliated VA clinic or hospital, but many veterans also opt for an IMO if they feel their initial rating was lower than expected.

File a VA Form 21-526EZ

VA Form 21-256EZ is an official form when it comes to requesting a rating increase. It is important to complete it correctly and supply any required documentation to strengthen your case.

Attend a Compensation & Pension (C&P) Exam

There is a possibility of a reexamination before finalizing any form of adjustment to your rating. You need to be honest and thorough during the entire procedure. Explain the full extent of your disability; articulate the pain you are experiencing and how it affects your life.

Utilize Lay Statements

Acquire personal statements from people that are close to you when you are experiencing these conditions. Statements from family, friends, or colleagues can provide a clearer picture of how your condition is impacting your daily life.

Consider a Legal or Claims Consultant

You should consider acquiring a VA claims consultant, such as Veterans Choice, or an actual VA claim attorney to receive education and coaching on how to present your case and evidence in the best possible way.

Appeal If Necessary

One of the best chances to increase your VA disability is when you appeal your case with proper and complete evidence.

Strategies for Maximizing Your Rating

There are some strategies you can employ for increasing your VA disability rating. Here are some of them.

Dealing with Secondary Conditions

You could qualify for an increased rating if you developed other symptoms based on your initial diagnosis.

Examples of secondary conditions:

  • Diabetes leading to neuropathy
  • PTSD leading to sleep apnea
  • Migraines resulting from traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Depression stemming from chronic pain

To file for a secondary condition:

  1. Obtain medical records linking the conditions.
  2. File a claim through the VA’s system.
  3. Submit supporting medical opinions and evidence.

Utilizing VA Resources and Support

There are several resources that can make your VA claims filing easier and help increase your VA rating. Some of these resources include:

  • Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs)
  • VA Disability Claims Consultants
  • VA Disability Calculator
  • Legal Assistance

In most cases, information is all you need. Having education and coaching assistance is one of your best tools to simplify the complexity of navigating the process of VA.

Whether you need coaching and education or gathering documentation, we’re here to make the process easier. Visit our VA disability claims consultant page to learn more about how we can support you.

By working together, we can ensure you receive the compensation and benefits you’ve earned.